Friday, September 4, 2015

Space Veggies!

My brain is totally post-apocalyptic these days, so besides being addicted to Walking Dead, I'm also reading Seveneves. I spend a lot of time wondering how I'd deal with one of these situations.  I expect I'd be really useful if cowering & screaming are required.  

Anyway, NASA and the International Space Station have taken care of one important issue, which has come up in Seveneves: how to grow veggies in space?!  (The Martian also deals with this important issue.) Read more about the plant pillow here. Keep eating those veggies & have a great end-of-summer long weekend.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

West Nile Virus - Another Reason to Go Native!

Brief post here to remind you that if you're working on fixing up your yard, it's best for the local birds & bees if you go native (native plants, I mean).  But now there's another reason: new research showing that non-natives seem to make it easier for nasties like West Nile Virus mosquitoes to thrive!  Which makes sense, right?  If you give them the plants they are used to, they'll feel right at home.  I'm fairly hospitable, but I do draw the line at evil disease-spreading non-native insects. 

So, the paper, Asymmetric effects of native and exotic invasive shrubs on ecology of the West Nile Virus vector Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae), is a slog if you're not a biologist, so I just read the abstract. 

If you're not sure what/how to find natives for your area, the Lady Bird Johnson Center for Wildflowers ( is an excellent starting place.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Beekeeping Update

Honey on the comb!  Yep, that's what it looks like.  You can see that most of it has been "capped," meaning covered with beeswax, but there are a few cells uncapped, and we tasted it and it's definitely honey.  At this point it's made from sugar water we were feeding them when they first arrived, so it's not really tasty.  We care, but the bees don't; it's food that they can store for the winter.  We'll be looking for the honey they're making in the next few months, which will be from the nectar & pollen they're collecting now.  It will be a richer color & flavor (we hope)! 

Here's the Roommate, showing off a frame that is full of comb, with lots of busy bees working on it. Some are caring for newly hatched bees, some are making and storing honey, some are storing pollen, etc. Click on the photos to see them full-sized (and you can zoom in quite a bit, if you want details).  

I'll be sure and keep you updated as our first beekeeping season progresses...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Grow charts!

A quick post to share some fun info with you: Thomas Jefferson kept grow charts!  (I don't know the correct term, but I call them grow charts.)

Our third President was interested in the same things we are: eating well, fresh veggies, and when will watermelons and asparagus be available?!  

Check out the link above for the full blog post, entitled The President & the Parsnip, at the Library of Congress website.  

For comparison purposes, here's a chart from the Virginia Cooperative Extension showing the same info.  

BTW, the VCE is a great place to get lots more info about gardening, and they also have a help line if you've got a difficult question.  The Master Gardeners of NoVA also have plant clinics at the farmer's markets in Alexandria & Arlington. For example, they'll be at the Del Ray Farmer's market starting 5/3/15 and will be there every Saturday through September.    

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tales from a Beginning Gardener – Loading up on Supplies

Gloves, Check. Hoe, Check. Shovel, Check. Baseball hat and water bottle? Check check. Overalls? Check, wait just kidding I’m not really wearing overalls. Ok I’m ready for my first day of gardening! Can’t be too hard right? Let’s back up for a minute.

I went to Culinary School for the past year and a half and in that time I spent a ton of time with food. We were in class reading about food, watching videos about food, baking off food, prepping food, and then going home and dreaming about food and where it comes from. That is a lot of food time! I have always had a passion for baking and food but through my journey at Culinary school I really began to think more about where food comes from and the process people take to obtain it.
After completing school, I always set out to use the freshest, healthiest ingredients. I then had the idea that a fun and exciting way to get those fresh ingredients myself was to grow them!

I had searched community gardens in Alexandria, VA on the web and found GW Community Garden. I saw that the application submission period was already closed for 2015. I made a power fist at this point and yelled out “No!!!!! I want to plant Lima beans!” Living in a tiny apartment in Old Town with no yard is not conducive to gardening so I had hoped I would be able to join a community garden. I sent an email to GW Community Garden asking if they take volunteers as a Hail Mary attempt. I think in my email I stated, I won’t take any produce, I promise I will work really hard and I just want experience gardening. A couple of hours later I received a response, “We had a cancellation would you like to join?” I immediately accepted and then began compiling my gardening gear.

I have only been gardening for a couple of weeks; at this point I am probably the most amateur gardener of 2015. Already I have learned so much and I feel accomplished as little buds begin to appear above the dirt. I have helped fill up wheelbarrows with chips and pour it on the wire grass. I have planted some seeds and even weeded! Everyone has been so nice and helpful so far and thank goodness no one has judged my amateur questions and comments of “How do you open these seed packets?”  “What does a weed look like?” and “Please don’t tell anyone that I knocked over the wheelbarrow full of chips!” I feel very welcome and am so happy to help in this experience. Each week I learn a little more and get a tiny bit more comfortable in the garden. Perhaps so comfortable that at some point this summer I will break out my overalls, well let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s see how my first watering shift goes. Are you a beginning gardener? What are the biggest challenges you have faced thus far? Is it figuring out how many seeds to put in each row? Let me know!

Happy Gardening!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Ta-Da! Insect Hotel Finished

Would you say my influences are Frank Lloyd Wright or I.M. Pei?  Or Freecycle?

Whatever, I finished the insect hotel for our backyard yesterday. I even had some shingles left over from when we added on to our house, so hopefully the roof won't leak.  Find out more about insect hotels here

It already has occupants, the Orchard bees (Osmia) I got for free have been out there for a few weeks.  No sign of them being active yet, but I can't blame got down to below freezing again last night.  

We have however provided plenty of new accommodation when those females emerge & start laying eggs.  

The only issue with the Freecycle process is that there is a very good possibility that all the wood has been treated so that it won't rot.  Which means that it's not good for insects!  Which is why all furnishings inside (but not the structure) are made of scraps, logs, bamboo, pine cones, etc. from our yard and general scavenging in the neighborhood.  All of which is natural, and most of which is rotting.  

I am totally hoping to see all sorts of creepy crawlies & smaller mammalia back there soon (providing plenty of food for my beloved birds)!

Do you have an insect hotel?  I'd love to see photos!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Spring!

The garden at the start of our first work session
Spring has sprung! And with that, the GW Community Garden has welcomed its latest group of members. Some members are veterans from previous years, and some of us (myself included) are new to the garden. It goes without saying that we all welcome spring with open arms and we're ready to get our hands dirty.

Paul, our youngest member of the work session, 
was especially helpful with weeding and turning over the beds!
GWCG was in hibernation mode throughout the winter, so it needed some TLC heading into the new season. Before we can start planting for spring, the first task was to get the garden back in shape with our first work session, which occurred last Saturday. The Del Ray area had beautiful weather leading up to the session, making for the perfect conditions—the soil wasn’t frozen or soggy and the sun was shining. 

Here are some of the jobs we tackled to get the garden in shape:  
  • Put down landscape fabric on the paths between the beds to fight the wiregrass and define the paths
  • Spread bark mulch for paths between the beds
  • Weeding...LOTS of weeding
  • Turned over the beds (we even found a few carrots, beets, and daikon radishes from last season!)
  • Trash removal and general cleanup
  • Redefined the current beds and marked a couple of new beds for extra growing space

The garden looked great at the end of our work session
Our next two work days will be Sunday, March 22 and Sunday, March 28. We’ll be spreading wood chips and planting cold weather greens, including kale, lettuce, and chard. The garden is in great shape for the season, and we excited to see all that it produces. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dude, We Bought a Hive!

Here is a photo of the Roommate, who had just finished putting together a hive.  It's a Warré hive, and we got it from BeeThinking, but they sell all 3 types of hives.  Warré beekeepers will tell you that it's a better hive because it lets bees build comb & stores the way they want to, but really we chose this one because it's made of 1" thick cedar & it's pretty!  Oh, and those are little windows you can see on each of 2 of the hive boxes.  (So, pretty-ness & snoopy-ness won out!)  

We have been trying to prepare our backyard to have plenty of blooming flowers for our new tenants.  I've been using (The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center) because you can search their database of native plants by state, height, bloom time, bloom color, plant type, etc.  So I wanted stuff that blooms later (after July/August), because that's when bees start running out of food & unfortunately it's when bees need it most, because they are trying to make enough stores for the winter.  

I also did some searching for bulbs that bees like on the open web (because I planted lots of bulbs this past year).

We have also begun construction on our insect hotel. It will be especially hospitable to Mason bees (more about them here); my big worry is having enough flowers around to keep them all fed.  

If you'd like to know more about natural beekeeping, see The Practical Beekeeper

If you want to know about modifying Warré hives, so they have standard size combs, check out BioBees.  They also provide a link to the full-text PDF of Warré's tome on his style of beekeeping.  

We have ordered our 3 lb. package of bees (about 20,000!) from Virginia Beekeeping Supply, but they won't arrive until late March.  We also recommend the class we took from Jerry at VBS.  However, it won't be his fault if it all comes to naught. Follow this blog to see what happens next!